Is it possible to spend a "relative" pending time in filters for fields such as
For example, for tickets auto-filtered into a certain queue, I would like them
to have an automatic reminder set up to remind in exactly 3 days, or 72 hours.
How can I do this?
Hi all,
Anyone has MyHammerQueueViewByCustCont package working with OTRS 3.1.1?
If not, (and I know that most packages from OPAR need OTRS 3.0.x), does
anyone know how to tweak the system or the package(s) to make it work?
Hi all,
After the upgrade from 3.0.11 to 3.1.1, going to QueueView then clicking on
any Queue doesn't show the tickets within. The only way to show those
tickets is to go to the ticket and press on its Queue from the side bar.
Can anyone help with this?
I've upgrade from 3.0.11 to 3.1.1 and now RichTextEditorTweaks doesn't
work, due to the framework upgrade.
Has anyone got this to work? Or can I have the same functions allowed from
within OTRS itself?
OTRS maili
i wanted to switch from runtimedb to staticdb today for
"core::ticket::indexmodule" on otrs 3.0.9. Changed the value in otrs gui to
staticdb, then ran the otrs.rebuildticketindex.pl script.
script fails almost immediately with:
message - no such ticketid (72145)
has anyone come across th