
Somebody has a clue how to get OTRS (Debian, 2.04p01-18) working with emails
containing special characters?

For example I have here an email with some Turkish characters (like ç ı ğ -
hopefully they will remain through mailman).

If OTRS is configured with charset=iso-8859-15 (DefaultCharset),
PostMasterPOP3.pl is fetching the email from the mailbox and it appears in
OTRS. Ok, the Turkish characters are all lost now and replaced by some other
never seen characters - but this is logical for an ISO charset like that one.

If I now change charset to utf-8, the Perl script immediately spits out an
error message as soon as it fetched the mail via POP3:

Wide character in syswrite at /usr/share/perl/5.8/Net/Cmd.pm line 436.

and exits immediately. And not only that - OTRS is left in a very bad state
and PostMasterPOP3.pl believes now it's already running:

Notice: PostMasterPOP3.pl is already running (use '-f 1' if you want to start
it forced)!

I know the trick already how to cleanup the process, but hey, I can't predict
that I will never receive such an email again... and in fact it should be
possible to receive Greek, Turkish, Russian, ... emails as well in OTRS.

Someone has a hint how to handle that situation correctly? Furthermore German
umlaut's or the "ß" seems to make problems when charset=utf8, while they are
ok when charset=iso-8859-15.

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