I-10 No UserID found for 'bonse00'!
Fri Mar 19 13:26:07 2010 notice OTRS-CGI-10 User: bonse00 (CN=Sébastien
Bonami,OU=Users,OU=M4,DC=M4,DC=INC) authentication ok (REMOTE_ADDR: IP).
now if I completely lost
Thanks for your answers
: AcceptSecurityContext error, data
525, vec
Fri Mar 19 07:32:42 2010 notice OTRS-CGI-10 User: x (CN=Christopher
Monzon,OU=Users,OU=M,DC=M,DC=I) authentication ok (REMOTE_ADDR:
I do not understand what to do, and put my DNS on my domain controller and my
user if it fails to connect to my DC
Christopher Monzon
Technicien, Systèmes et réseaux
135 J.-Armand Bombardier (Suite 25)
Boucherville (Qc) Tel: (450) 645-1444 Poste : 260
Canada J4B 8P1Fax: (450) 64
I am not able to command the "max_allowed_packet".
I want to extend my database has more than 128M.
Thank you
Centos, apache and otrs 2.4.6
Christopher Monzon
Technicien, Systèmes et réseaux
135 J.-Armand Bomb