On 6/16/05, Cogley, Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings list -
> Just wondering: is there a setting for use in Config.pm that allows you to
> change the default behavior of the FAQ selection process in ticket zoom,
> where you get the popup and choose a FAQ article from the list to enter into
> your ticket response. The default seems to be to overwrite the whole ticket
> response body, which without notice is a bit disconcerting if you have
> written something in the response, and think "oh, and I'll add that FAQ
> article in here too."

There is probably no way of doing this the config.pm file, but you can
change the code in one of the template files.  I looked at the CVS
code, and there it is in otrs/Kernel/Output/HTML/Standard/FAQ.dtl

search for: (line 160)
    parent.opener.document.compose.Body.value = document.spelling.Body.value
    parent.opener.document.compose.Subject.value = document.spelling.Title.value

replace with:
    parent.opener.document.compose.Body.value =
parent.opener.document.compose.Body.value +

It will add the FAQ item at the end of the original message, and leave
the the subject as it was (to not confuse the customer).  It is not
tested, but as it is only a small javascript change.  no big doubts
about it ;-)

Jan Marien
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