Re: [otrs] Need help to install OTRS i am using cPanel

2006-04-28 Thread Le Minh Ngoc
I just on cPanel hosting only. So that i have to install from source.tar.gz. OK i will read documentation. Thanks > > Do you have root on the server or just a hosting > account? cPanel > doesn't really have anything to do with installing > OTRS though. > You'll need an SSH connection to y

[otrs] Need help to install OTRS i am using cPanel

2006-04-27 Thread Le Minh Ngoc
Hello, I just look around for a helpdesk system and found OTRS have alot of features. But unlucky, i can not install it on my site yet. Could anyone help me to install OTRS using cPanel ? If it possible please teach me step by step. Thanks __ Do