We are the IT sector of a Municipality, with over than 90 people working
in solving problems from server to PC, from network to phone and so on.
We serve around 2.000 people. We have few groups of technicians, each
specialized in some sort of problems. Now each tech group has his own
ticketing system, some self made, some use OS products, some use
commercial one. Problems arise when a ticket has to be moved from one
ticketing system to another. Solution can be the use of the same
ticketing system for all tech guy. We check each single OS and
commercial product already used and they don't satisfy our needs. So,
maybe, OTRS can be the answer.

The big problem is we have to mantain the tech sector division:
networking, programming, telephony, servers, etc. Each sector needs an
easy interface to check tickets open by users and to check tickets
loaded to other sectors. Each IT guy can be member of more than one
sector and have to see only the tickets opened by the sectors he belong
and loaded by the sectors he belongs. Other ticketing systems have the
limitation to permit only a bitwise security. If you are a tech guy, you
can see all tickets, if you are a user, you see only the tickets of your

Is OTRS different?


Dott. Leandro Dardini
Sistema Informativo
Comune di Prato
Via Cairoli, 16
59100 Prato
Tel: +39 05741835216
Fax: +39 05741835212
Mobile: +39 3474501445
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