Hello. We are using OTRS as our support tickets system.
Since we don't have a lot of supporters, everyone might answer to
request. But we have problems with it.

1) Tickets are accidentally locked to specific user. When someone is
just viewing ticket and not replying, the ticked becomes locked. Why?
I've found a message in the list archive, saying to put
$Self->{UnlockTicket} = 1; into Config.pm, but it didn't help though.

2) Can't find the way to see follow-ups of others. What if I want to
receive notifications, as if it's customers follow-up? How may one see
if ticket has (and how many) follow-ups/notes in the queue view? Or
the name of the supporter who answered last.

3) In Zoom view why some rows of the history tree are red and some are



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