I have tried in Config.pm putting in the line:
$Self->{'AuthModule'} = 'Kernel::System::Auth::HTTPBasicAuth';

And I have tried everything I can online, asked for help with apache, etc to 
try and get auto authentication to work with the latest apache (2.2.3, and 
authz_ldap) and have had no luck.

Has ANYONE done this before?  I have an AD domain AND a OpenLDAP server I can 
use to authenticate against.  All our users will be part of the same domain, 
and just need to not have to log in, but have it enter their email address/user 
info so we can track who it is.

So, if I have authentication in apache setup properly, and the above line in 
Config.pm, then it will just skip the login page and automatically log them in? 
 Or is there something else in OTRS I have to do?

Is there any other way of doing this?  I am at a complete loss.  We have a 
windows/IIS server with .net that just seems to translate their username to an 
email address flawlessly, but in apache/OTRS I cannot seem to figure it out!

Thank you in advance!

Adam Nielson
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