Re: [otrs] Bog about emails date

2006-05-12 Thread Guillaume Rehm
As nobody have an information about this problem ??? Nobody have the same problem with date of email ? Thanks in advance Guillaume REHM Service Informatique Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg 5 rue du Maréchal Joffre BP 51029 67070 Strasbourg tél: 03 88 25 28 43 fax: 03 88 2

[otrs] Bog about emails date

2006-05-11 Thread Guillaume Rehm
Hi list and developpers, I saw a problem with OTRS. When otrs send an email, it doesn't add date header. Or in the SMTP standards, it's the mailer agent (otrs, thunderbird) that must add date header and not the smtp relay server. Have you already saw this problem ? As any parameters that I fo