Hello again to all,

It seems to get even stranger.

When I got to the configuration for the framework and then to
DefaultUsedLanguages I get a very weird effect.

I thought I could remove some languages, because we and our customers do
not speak them. So I started to delete from the top down and I succeeded
in removing Czech. I wanted to keep Deutsch, so I started removing
further. Greek worked, so start at the bottom. I deleted Chinese and
then suddenly the Czech, Greek and Chinese where back again.

This is very weird behaviour and I still cannot explain where things go

I see the var/tmp/SysConfig-Cache_Kernel_Config_Files* files
updated and the Kernel/Config/Files/ZZZΑ*uto.pm are updated as well.

This feels like a bug, but I can't find where.

Somebody with an idea?


AT Computing
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