Does anyone know if OTRS can be installed on Hosts like: STRATO, 1&1, DOMAINFACTORY etc. ?
I tried to install OTRS after un-taring the archive to my HD. I used my FTP-Tool to upload the files onto my webspace.
I uploaded the full un-tared and unchanged OTRS folder (with all its content), using FTP.
After uploading I tried to run the like this:
well, what should I say - wihtout success...
My webspace is hosted by Domainfactory and all stuff needed by OTRS is installed (Perl, MySQL etc.)...
I don't understand the installation guide, because I'm not using my own webserver. So, I don't have shell-access etc...
But I know that Domainfactory is using Linux Operating System and Apache Webserver.
Well...any hints???
Regard, Sven 

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