Hi all,

I am trying to get all the customer notifications right but I keep running into 
some issues that are most likely due to my lack of knowledge of the system.
I am running OTRS 2.4.7.

I want the customer to receive two different messages.

1.When he makes a ticket ; this contains a conformation message to the customer 
with description and ticket ID.
2.When somebody add's and update to the ticket or changes the priority but not 
internal-notes and any other updates.

It seems there are three way's to get messages to agents (queue auto responses, 
custom notification events and the default events turned on by the agents in 
his preferences).
No the new ticket reply from the queue to the customer works fine but the 
follow up message doesn't get send to the customer.

I made a notification event for the customer update message with these settings 

Name ; notify customer of ticket update
Recipient : Customer
Event : ArticleCreate
Queue : < I selected one queue >

Subject and Text set correctly.

I made a notification event for the customer new ticket message with these 
settings ;

Name ; notify customer of new ticket
Recipient : Customer
Event : TicketCreate
Queue : < I selected one queue >

Subject and Text set correctly.

Ok, what happens when a customer creates a ticked via mail is he get's two 
mails back.
1 from the new ticket event
2. from the update ticket event

Now here are my questions to you guy's ;

How can I set the update ticket event to only send a mail when the tickets get 
updated and not on creation?
How can I make it so that internal-notes are no longer send to the customer via 
this update notification?
I only want mails from Agents and external notes to get send to the customer.

Is this possible?



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