Re: [otrs] Please need HELP...

2005-06-16 Thread Christian Schoepplein
Hi Phillippe, On Thu, Jun 16, 2005 at 05:17:16PM +0200, Philippe Roth wrote: >I think our database is corrupted {:o( > >Maybe the problem is the way I make the dumps... I use mysqldump >--add-drop-table -u root -p otrs > otrs.bkp Take a look into the scripts directory in your otrs installation. T

RE: [otrs] Please need HELP...

2005-06-16 Thread Philippe Roth
Dear Peter and All, Thank you for your last message. Finaly, when making all the investigations I could, the result is that the problem doesn't come from the upgrade... But from the database itself... The database under our production OTRS is OK, but when we make a dump of the database and impor

RE: [otrs] Please need HELP...

2005-06-15 Thread Peter van Beugen
riginal Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Philippe Roth Sent: woensdag 15 juni 2005 15:11 To: Subject: [otrs] Please need HELP... Dear All, I sent this problem several times, but no answers Plese We need to know how to make an upgrad

[otrs] Please need HELP...

2005-06-15 Thread Philippe Roth
Dear All, I sent this problem several times, but no answers Plese We need to know how to make an upgrade from a previous version too a more recent. We have installed version 1.3.1 and would like to make the upgrade to 1.3.2 (before version 2.0) We made works and we have a problem when