Hello List,

I just wanted to inform you that mod_perl 1.99_13 and _14 give weird errors on 
apache 2.0.50. Use md_perl 1.99_12 for now. The errors you'll receive might 
look like:

ModPerl::Util::exit: exit was called 
at /data/opt0/otrs/Kernel/cpan-lib/CGI/Carp.pm line 486ModPerl::
Util::exit: exit was called at /data/opt0/otrs/Kernel/cpan-lib/CGI/Carp.pm 
line 486ModPerl::Util::exi
t: exit was called at /data/opt0/otrs/Kernel/cpan-lib/CGI/Carp.pm line 
486ModPerl::Util::exit: exit w
as called at /data/opt0/otrs/Kernel/cpan-lib/CGI/Carp.pm line 
486ModPerl::Util::exit: exit was called
 at /data/opt0/otrs/Kernel/cpan-lib/CGI/Carp.pm line 486ModPerl::Util::exit: 
exit was called at /data
/opt0/otrs/Kernel/cpan-lib/CGI/Carp.pm line 486ModPerl::Util::exit: exit was 
called at /data/opt0/otr
s/Kernel/cpan-lib/CGI/Carp.pm line 486ModPerl::Util::exit: exit was called 
at /data/opt0/otrs/Kernel/
cpan-lib/CGI/Carp.pm line 486

maybe this would be something for the FAQ?

 Wiktor Wodecki
 net mobile AG - 40470 Duesseldorf - Germany
 923B DCF8 070C 9FDD 5E05  9AE3 E923 5A35 182C 9783

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