I inherited an OTRS 2.0.4 system on Debian and need to make some changes in the Core::Sendmail module. We are switching over to a new,separate email server and I want everything to go through this new server. When I bring up the Sendmail module, the options are listed and the first 3 options (SendmailModule, SendmailModule::CMD, and SendmailModule::Host) are checked, but the check is grayed out so I can't change it. There is also the "Reset" icon, which had no effect when clicked.
I logged in using the admin account and tried again with no effect.

I tried modifying the config.pm file, but that didn't help. I'm guessing I need to restart OTRS, but that presents another problem since there doesn't seem to be an otrs listed in the /etc/init.d to restart. I could restart the server, but that has to wait until the overnight.

I'm obviously missing something here and I'm sure it's fairly simple, so any help would be much appreciated!
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