Just want to be certain I understand this correctly. In Admin / Email Addresses, when you add a new System Address. The example says:


But when you go to add an address, the fields are labelled as:


I just want to confirm that where it has the field "Name", it is actually referring to an email address. This seems to be somewhat confusing. Instead of name/realname, I think it would be better to have email/name.

When editing a queue, assigning a "Systemaddress:" shows them listed as Name (Realname). So I assume that would be something like [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Real Name). I would rather this be swapped, so that it's Real Name ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Instead of Systemaddress:, I suggest it should be either Email Address: or System Address:

The admin link, under the System column is Email Addresses. Then it refers to System Address. I think it should be consistent, and both should be the same. Either System Address or Email Address. I'd prefer to see Email Address, as it is in the link (Email Addresses), as that seems to be exactly what these are. Maybe refer to them as System Contacts, instead of System Addresses, as a contact consists of a name and an email address.

These may simply be translation issues, but I'm not sure. If my suggestions are valid, I'll add them to bugzilla.

"All incoming emails with this "Email" (To:) will be dispatched in the selected queue!" - I presume this means that the recipient email address in a new email/ticket will be used to direct the ticket to a specific queue. Is it possible to receive emails sent to different email addresses into one queue? Is it possible to receive emails into a queue, but the responses are sent using a different email address? Emails sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] & [EMAIL PROTECTED] would both be received into the same queue, but then use [EMAIL PROTECTED] for the response.

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