this feature in SysConfig
Best Regards,
Sujeeva Tissaarachchi
*From:* claude
*To:* User questions and discussions about OTRS.
*Sent:* Thursday, 28 April 2016, 12:30
*Subject:* [otrs] Ticket re-opened by system
For on
Thanks but it's the same ticket. I close it and it's re-opened every night
Message original
*Sujet: *[INTERNET] Re: [otrs] Ticket re-opened by system
*De : *Sujeeva Tissaarachchi
*Pour : *User questions and discussions about OTRS. ,
: [otrs] Ticket re-opened by system
For one ticket, every night it's re-open by system. I close it and then
the next night, I have this lines are in history :
Lock Ticket verrouillé. - root@localhost (Administrateur
princ[..]) 26.04.2016 00:10:04
Misc Reset of unlock
For one ticket, every night it's re-open by system. I close it and then
the next night, I have this lines are in history :
Lock Ticket verrouillé. - root@localhost (Administrateur
princ[..])26.04.2016 00:10:04
Misc Reset of unlock time. - root@localhost (Administra