[otrs] installing opennms

2010-04-05 Thread Michael Mitchell
I have upgraded to otrs 2.4.7 on a windows server 2003 platform with mysql 5.1 I have installed calendar, faq, filemanager, masterslave, support, survey e.t.c. from online repository but when installing opennms it seems that the page times out for what ever reason I don't know is there somethin

Re: [otrs] installing openNMS

2010-03-21 Thread Alexander Halle
Michael Mitchell wrote : I’m running otrs 2.4.7 on a windows server using mysql and when trying to install openNMS I get a message saying that need to use version and then webpage times out I’m pulling file from online repository source: [-Master-] http://ftp.otrs.org [...] Hi Michael

[otrs] installing openNMS

2010-03-20 Thread Michael Mitchell
I'm running otrs 2.4.7 on a windows server using mysql and when trying to install openNMS I get a message saying that need to use version and then webpage times out I'm pulling file from online repository source: [-Master-] http://ftp.otrs.org I have tried to find this version on opens