Hi folks,

I am rather new to OTRS, so please bear with me.

With the tickets in our company, workflow often includes times when a
ticket is in some kind of suspended state, usually waiting for a customer
to react. During that time, my collegues would prefer for those tickets to
neither appear in the queue overview (AgentQueueView) nor in the agent's
ticket overview (AgentMailbox). Fine with me, as long as they really do use
the search tool to make sure those tickets will not be completely forgotten ;-)

But -- how can I have those tickets not shown in the mentioned two
overviews? And how can I make sure a mail by the customer makes them
visible again? Any ideas as to how to archieve that are welcome.

Thanks in advance,

        Susan Dittmar

PS: We are using OTRS 1.3, in case that matters. Very old, I know, but my
        attempts at updating did not work yet. That's a different matter
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