Re: [otrs] trying to get OTRS 3 up with Postgres: bin/ fails: permission denied for relation valid, SQL: 'SELECT * FROM valid'

2011-03-31 Thread Michiel Beijen
Wow, Gerald, Aleksey, I really don't think this is a great idea. The script just connects to your database, tries to do a select statement on the OTRS table called 'valid' and if that works, assumes there is a connection. What happened in this case is that the authentication is no

Re: [otrs] trying to get OTRS 3 up with Postgres: bin/ fails: permission denied for relation valid, SQL: 'SELECT * FROM valid'

2011-03-30 Thread Aleksey Tsalolikhin
On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 7:44 PM, Gerald Young wrote: > Message: ERROR:  permission denied for relation valid, SQL: 'SELECT * > FROM valid' > >... you don't have select privileges on the table named "valid" so > you should > grant select on valid to public; Thanks, Gerald, that did it! Perhaps th

Re: [otrs] trying to get OTRS 3 up with Postgres: bin/ fails: permission denied for relation valid, SQL: 'SELECT * FROM valid'

2011-03-29 Thread Gerald Young
Message: ERROR: permission denied for relation valid, SQL: 'SELECT * FROM valid' You're heavily invested in postgresql ... your database admin should have been able to resolve this in a heartbeat. Short answer: you don't have select privileges on the table named "valid" so you should grant selec

[otrs] trying to get OTRS 3 up with Postgres: bin/ fails: permission denied for relation valid, SQL: 'SELECT * FROM valid'

2011-03-29 Thread Aleksey Tsalolikhin fails, it says permission denied for table "valid" - the table is there though. # /opt/otrs/bin/ Trying to connect to database DSN: DBI:Pg:dbname=otrs;host=localhost; DatabaseUser: otrs DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: permission denied for relation valid at /op