Hi Gary,

Do you need excessiv data from the AD? We also have our customers authenticate 
against an AD but didn't had to import one customer in the Mysql DB. This is 
done automatically by OTRS if needed when a Customer log in first.

There is a special parameter in the Config.pm which provides this functionality:

$Self->{"UserSyncLDAPMap"} = ...

Make sure this is set to your values and not commented out.

Kind regards

Falko Zurell
Head of Application Management
I-D Media AG
Ohlauer Strasse 43
D-10999 Berlin

fon: +49 (0)30 - 2 59 47 - 357
fax: +49 (0)30 - 2 59 47 - 111
mobile: +49 (0)160 - 3 62 52 77
web: http://www.idmedia.com

----- Original Message -----
From: otrs-bounces
Sent: 25.05.2006 09:55
To: <otrs@otrs.org>
Subject: [otrs] LDAP & Active Directory


Ok so I have OTRS installed on a suse Linux box and it all works fine,
I've even got users authenticating against a Windows Active Directory

Now the problem is, as I understand it even though you can authenticate
against an LDAP server, you STILL need the users in the local MySql DB
(right or wrong?) ... This isn't ideal, but also isn't the end of the
world but my problem then is how do I do a mass import of users (read:
CUSTOMERS not ADMINS!) into the DB?

I see there is one particular script that MAY help me (sync-ldap2db.pl)
but there is no documentation on this so can anyone help me out at all
as I am pulling my hair out right now!!!

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated


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