Hallo Liste

Ich bekomme unter otrs 2.4.6 Mails per IMAP nicht

Es hakt irgendwie mit den Perl Modulen Mail::Internet und/oder 
Net::IMAP::Simple: die aber in den benutzten Versionen mit otrs 2.4.5 auf einem 
anderen Server funktionieren:

Not a GLOB reference at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.1/Mail/Internet.pm
        line 39, <GEN0> line 38 (#1)
    (F) Perl was trying to evaluate a reference to a "typeglob" (that is, a
    symbol table entry that looks like *foo), but found a reference to
    something else instead.  You can use the ref() function to find out what
    kind of ref it really was.  See perlref.
Uncaught exception from user code:
        Not a GLOB reference at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.1/Mail/Internet.pm line 39, <GEN0> line 38.
at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.1/Mail/Internet.pm line 34
'Net::IMAP::Simple::_message=ARRAY(0x80500d228)') called at 
/usr/local/otrs/Kernel/System/EmailParser.pm line 134
'Email', 'Net::IMAP::Simple::_message=ARRAY(0x80500d228)', 'PIDObject', 
'Kernel::System::PID=HASH(0x8046c34b0)', 'DBObject', 
'Kernel::System::DB=HASH(0x8046175e8)', 'MainObject', 
'Kernel::System::Main=HASH(0x804297208)', ...) called at 
/usr/local/otrs/Kernel/System/PostMaster.pm line 114
'ConfigObject', 'Kernel::Config=HASH(0x8012648e8)', 'EncodeObject', 
'Kernel::System::Encode=HASH(0x8040c80f0)', 'PIDObject', 
'Kernel::System::PID=HASH(0x8046c34b0)', 'DBObject', 
'Kernel::System::DB=HASH(0x8046175e8)', ...) called at 
/usr/local/otrs/Kernel/System/MailAccount/IMAP.pm line 146
 'ID', 1, 'ValidID', 1, 'UserID', 1, 'DispatchingBy', 'Queue', ...) called at 
/usr/local/otrs/Kernel/System/MailAccount.pm line 380
 'ID', 1, 'ValidID', 1, 'QueueID', 5, 'Comment', '', ...) called at 
bin/PostMasterMailbox.pl line 182
        main::Fetch('EncodeObject', 'Kernel::System::Encode=HASH(0x8040c80f0)', 
'ConfigObject', 'Kernel::Config=HASH(0x8012648e8)', 'PIDObject', 
'Kernel::System::PID=HASH(0x8046c34b0)', 'DBObject', 
'Kernel::System::DB=HASH(0x8046175e8)', 'TimeObject', ...) called at 
bin/PostMasterMailbox.pl line 95

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