Re: [outages] [ADMIN] Re: [Telnyx #1243282] Twitter API problems Fri/13

2023-01-14 Thread Jay Ashworth via Outages
You were seeing that traffic on the list? Because I have not been seeing their recent new ticket emails actually going to the list, just coming to me when I post something, a venial sin compared to the mortal sin of the other approach. But yeah, given that I didn't hear anything from them all w

Re: [outages] [ADMIN] Re: [Telnyx #1243282] Twitter API problems Fri/13

2023-01-14 Thread Brett Dikeman via Outages
On Sat, Jan 14, 2023 at 12:12 AM Jay R. Ashworth via Outages <> wrote: YO, Telnyx! If you can't keep your ticketing system from replying > to posters, please unsubscribe it from the list now. > They've been doing this for at least three years; I see as far back as '19 their s