Re: [outages] Slack is down

2017-03-07 Thread Justin Head via Outages
Cincinnati as well. On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 12:00 PM Aaron via Outages wrote: No problems here in Kansas City. On 3/7/2017 10:45 AM, Justin Head via Outages wrote: > Sorry! Something went wrong, but we're looking into it. Their status page isn’t loadin

[outages] Slack is down

2017-03-07 Thread Justin Head via Outages > Sorry! Something went wrong, but we're looking into it. Their status page isn’t loading: ___ Outages mailing list https://

Re: [outages] softlayer issues - monitis ?

2015-08-05 Thread Justin Head via Outages
I've got a VM with Linode in Dallas (SoftLayer) running a monitoring system and it's seeing connectivity issues over SNMP (UDP) to basically all locations. This has been on and off all morning since at least 5am CDT. -- Justin Head Owner / Chief Operating Officer CubedHost, LLC https://cubedhos

[outages] Telia Outage - East Coast US

2015-06-17 Thread Justin Head via Outages
We're seeing zero connectivity from New York to Ashburn, VA and Amsterdam, as well as intermittent connectivity across the rest of the US, all through Telia. Traffic has been rerouted numerous times. Anybody else seeing anything similar? - Justin ___

Re: [outages] Cogent Routes - West US

2015-06-15 Thread Justin Head via Outages
failure. Starting around 6:34PM CDT. On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 7:17 PM, Justin Head via Outages>> wrote: Anyone seeing abnormal routes/latency over Cogent on the west side of the US, over the past 30 - 45 minutes?

[outages] Cogent Routes - West US

2015-06-15 Thread Justin Head via Outages
Anyone seeing abnormal routes/latency over Cogent on the west side of the US, over the past 30 - 45 minutes? - Justin ___ Outages mailing list

[outages] Verizon (Dallas) Routing Issues?

2015-05-28 Thread Justin Head via Outages
I'm seeing increased latency and some packet loss to sites over ALTER.NET (Verizon) to NTT and Level 3. I'm not seeing the same thing to GTT or Telia right now. I'm based in Dallas, TX. Routing inside Dallas seems fine. http://p

[outages] Increased overseas latency over GTT

2014-12-05 Thread Justin Head via Outages
Hello, We're seeing abnormally high latency from a site based in Phoenix, AZ going through GTT to France. PHX -> FR: FR -> PHX: Anybody happen to see anything simila