Re: [outages] Level 3 outages in Houston area.

2017-08-28 Thread Hershberger, Jeff via Outages
Thanks, but fortunately I am not physically there. I am safe at my office in Dallas. I just meant we as in our firm has an office there that has gone offline and was reporting the major Level 3 outages. On Aug 28, 2017, at 12:37 AM, Paul M - outages via Outages>> wro

Re: [outages] Level 3 outages in Houston area.

2017-08-27 Thread Paul M - outages via Outages
Yowzers, things look tough for you all.. Wishing you "good luck" seems a bit lame, but it's all I can do. On 28 Aug 2017 02:03, "Hershberger, Jeff via Outages" wrote: We are in the Houston Center downtown and have lost all service with Level 3,

[outages] Level 3 outages in Houston area.

2017-08-27 Thread Hershberger, Jeff via Outages
We are in the Houston Center downtown and have lost all service with Level 3, voice and data as of 1840 CDT. Per their NOC on our ticket…. 08/27/2017 00:44:03 GMT - The IP NOC continues to implement configuration adjustments whenever possible to resolve outages without assistance from Field Se