Hello Dear,
I bring you greetings from the USA. I am sorry to have encroached into your 
privacy in this manner. Let

me introduce myself to you, My name is Mr Roland Campbell. I currently work as 
an Independent Non-

Executive Director at Equity Bank New York Plc here in the United States. I 
will immediately proceed

with the details of the abandoned sum of $12,000,000 (US Dollar) to you because 
you share the same last

name with my late client who deposited the money in this bank.  I would 
respectfully request that you

keep the contents of this mail confidential and also respect the integrity of 
the information that you

are coming across as a result of this email. I contacted you privately and as 
such no one is aware of

this communication thus the reason why I had us communicate strictly via our 
private email addresses. I

was the personal accountant to one late Mr Carlos and foreign contractor with 
American National

Offshore Oil Corporation (ANOOC) who has an investment account with my bank. 
Unfortunately, Mr Carlos

died along with his wife in France of Corona Virus while on sabbatical leave in 
early March 2020. May

their souls rest in peace, Amen. He died without leaving a Will or any 
traceable next of kin. Several

efforts were made to find his extended family through his embassy without 
success. I received a notice

last week to provide the next of kin of my late client been his personal 
accountant or the account risk

been transferred to the government in 14 days time. I don't just want such 
money forfeited to the

government at all. I am contacting you to assist me in repatriating the funds 
left behind by my late

client because you both bear the same surname. This claim will be executed 
without breaching any USA

law and success is guaranteed if we co-operate on this. The bank will release 
the money to you at my

recommendation of you as the next of kin.

I am a religious Man and I cannot lie, I expect the same from you, The amount 
involved is $12,000,000

(Twelve Million US Dollars). Now, I am prepared to give the necessary details 
to you as the closest

surviving relation of our deceased customer (Mr Carlos).I am also proposing 
that after a successful

execution of the business, the funds will be shared at a 50/50 ratio. You will 
receive 50% and I will

be entitled to 50% as the business initiator. You know that I must have done my 
home work already

before contacting you. Although the project is capital intensive, I know I will 
be able to pull it

through following proper banking and legal channels with your assistance at 
your end. I will tidy up

the legal aspect with the assistance of a lawyer who will prepare all the 
documents that will be needed

to transfer the money to your country. Once more, I ask that if you find no 
interest in this project

that you should discard this mail and forget I ever contacted you, I ask that 
you do not be vindictive

and destructive; do not destroy my career and we know that Opportunities like 
this only comes once in a

lifetime. I am a responsible career person and this is an opportunity for you 
to give your family the

best in life. I would want you to think about this and let me know your 
decision. If you give me a

positive response, I will give you the relevant information for the successful 
transfer of these funds

and we both enjoy it in peace.
I will give you all the necessary information about this deal when I get your 
response. I anticipate

your cooperation. Treat this proposal with utmost confidentially and do not 
take undue advantage of the

trust I have bestowed in you now. My position as an Independent Non-Executive 
Director, guarantees the

successful execution of this transaction. If you find yourself able to work 
with me, I urge you to

write to my private email address: rolandcampbel...@gmail.com
Yours faithfully,
Mr Roland Campbell.

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