
I'm testing the ability to include a CIFS share. I'm using the latest git 
branch on a debian stable machine.
I configured a CIFS share in the "Personal" menu. It works fine for the 
respective user.
Now I tried to share this folder with another user but there is a problem. As 
the user who owns this share, I can choose to share this folder with another 
user. When I login as the other user, I can browse to /shared/[shared CIFS 
folder]. I can see the files and folder in there.

 - Clicking on a .txt file does nothing. When I try to download the file, I get 
the message "Cloud not found". 
 - When I try to go deeper in the folder structure I will get kicked to my root 

I tested it with a fresh CIFS share, where I created some little ASCII .txt 
files and folders as well as some links. So there is nothing spectacular in 
this folder.

Thomas Gronies

Owncloud mailing list

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