Folks, I have created some projects to assist anyone using ESE (Extensible Storage Engine <>) databases and I've made the Bitbucket repository<>public. I've composed a quite detailed Wiki page <> to explain the history and how it all works. The solution I call *Esent Workbench*contain three main projects: (1) A general purpose utility library (2) A command line app over the library (3) A WPF desktop app over the library.
I hope the WPF app (see screenshot<>) can get a developer using an ESE database easily. You compose the schema of a database by adding tables, columns and indexes in a friendly tree, generate the actual database from the schema, then generate a C# source file of CRUD methods for the database. It's like a poor man's SQL Server Studio for ESE (with a code generator). The other features include import/export of schemas and table records, compact and table record browsing. I've tried to sanity check the whole thing by checking it out on a different machine and doing a Fresh Build<>and run, and downloading and running the binaries on vanilla 32 and 64 bit machines. As long as the tools and Frameworks are present it seems to work. I have a sentimental attachment to ISAM databases and enjoy using ESE. Feedback it welcome. Greg K