Hi Greg,


> . The vote of no confidence


Agree. The soap packets in ASP.NET web-services were verbose as well. We
boxed/unboxed from Entities to changes-only CSV data either side of the
web-service to help with performance.


Is there any reason you cannot look at EF4.


You can use POCO classes, so serialization is less of an issue.



Nic Roche


From: ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com]
On Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Sunday, 11 July 2010 12:48 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: Entity Framework 2


Folks, last year I experimented with the Entity Frame 1 and after therapy to
recover I decided that it was too immature to use in a production app. The
vote of no confidence
e/>  it  received back then was based on more academic issues such as
persistence ignorance.


One of the main problems for me was that the generated Entity classes could
not be serialised over Remoting or WCF.  You see, I was biased because I had
been using netTiers generated entities for a few years, and they could be
completely round-tripped and remember their state.


We're just starting a brand new app which will need the data server to run 3
ways: in-process for simple installs; over-LAN in an office install; over
http for web access. A few years ago I wrote a demo app which proves that
WCF can do this 'as advertised' by simply changing the bindings (the http
way has reduced functionally of course).


So I'm happy to use WCF for component communication in the new app, but what
database entity classes am I going to be passing back and forth? Is Entity
Framework V2 a viable solution? Has anyone used EF2 in anger and can tell me
how it went? Any other modern and elegant techniques anyone can recommend?




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