Hi to all on list(s)
Found this reference to a study (done in the US but reported int he UK press) implying - actually one doctor does state bluntly- that doctors are too busy to wait for normal labour to progress during day time labours...
Writing in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Dr Webb suggested the pattern was linked to "increased pressures on doctors and hospital staff to 'clear' patients at times when they have other patients to see".
It is also the consequence that:

Women who gave birth between these hours were 86% more likely to be given drugs and were 43% more likely to have an instrumentally-assisted delivery.

They were also 10% more likely to undergo surgery to prevent vaginal tearing and 30% more likely to suffer severe tearing.

I suppose it has been well known anecdotally before but it's now interesting to see a well supported study to highlight the obvious and to demonstrate that women suffer the perineal trauma in increased numbers in the day time labours.

If you want to read the whole article:



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