I've sent this to GD...  FYI  B

Dear Geraldine and Producers of Life Matters,

Thank you for the opportunity to speak on your Program yesterday.  We very
much appreciate the chance to discuss the issues of women's choices in
childbirth in more than 30 seconds!!  I apologize for being less concise at
times than I had hoped.  Your decision to use a panel of speakers was a
credit to you and helped cover a broad range of issues efficiently.

A key point I had wanted to say on air is that the National Maternity Action
Plan is not about homebirth.  We recognize that, notwithstanding all the
research evidence on the safety of homebirth attended by an expert midwife,
home is not most women's idea of the safest environment.  It is crucial for
a good birth outcome that women give birth where they feel safe.  For this
reason the National Maternity Action Plan argues the case for women to have
universal access to one-to-one, continuity of care from a known midwife
regardless of where she chooses to give birth - whether at home, in a birth
centre, or a hospital delivery suite or theatre.   In short, it is the MODEL
OF CARE rather than the LOCATION of birth that research shows produces such
positive outcomes for mothers and babies.

I have attached a copy of the draft National Maternity Action Plan for your
information.  The Plan summarizes the latest research evidence on midwifery
care.  It explains the basis for our view that this would benefit all women
and should be embraced by governments as a mainstream part of Australian
maternity services.   The Plan is in final draft form and will be launched
nationally in August once endorsements have been finalized.  I hope you will
read it.  

I respect your skepticism, Geraldine, about the broader appeal of
midwifery-led care.  Your reservations are no doubt reflective of the views
of a majority of your listeners.  What most women don't realize is that
one-to-one midwifery care is a 'Rolls Royce option' in maternity care.   I
am convinced if women only knew on a wide scale what this care offers they
would be queuing in the streets at the doors of community midwives in their
thousands.  Certainly women in New Zealand (and Canada and the UK too) are
voting with their feet in their thousands and choosing a midwife as their
lead carer, as you mentioned on air.

Again, thank you for the air time on these issues.


Dr Barbara Vernon
National President
The Maternity Coalition

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