I have just attended the Midwifery Intensive Workshop in Sydney.  Feel so inspired and was reassured that it is a positive thing to be disobedient!!!!
Further to this I would love to thank everyone who turned out for the rally at Campbelltown Hospital.  Shame on Mark Latham for not attending!  We would definitely have made the news if he was there!  Cheeky things Channel 10 and the ABC.  Channel 10 using the MC Banner as an opener for the child care crisis story and the ABC using Aiden Ridgeway's interview at the rally and played the part where he was talking about Maternity payments that will be brought up during the budget talks.
Many thanks go to Justine Caines for all the hard work and travelling so far.  Also to everyone who travelled from Newcastle and the Illawarra.  Your dedication and love for midwifery and women focused care is appreciated.
Thanks again Sonja

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