Dear SMH,
 I applaud your Saturday's front page stand for 1 caring service seeking to support struggling parents in difficult times.
However the media is ignoring the fact that all Australian women, their families and community are loosing the right and ability to access the internationally most appropriate carers for normal healthy women; midwives. When women have the continuous care of 1 midwife through-out their pregnancy they become more than their own baby's "Whisperer", they become confident in their ability to birth and mother effectively!
But there are insufficient numbers of Midwives in Private Practice to be financially attractive to insurance companies who provide Professional Indemnity Insurance and they do not have the political clout of the AMA to get the government to act on their behalf. The latter is despite 30 national enquiries which have recommended increasing midwifery options of care in response to our growing level of costly medical interventions in childbirth.
Thankfully the true value of midwifery is not lost on the Greens and Democrat parties who have adopted as health policy a consumer driven plan (The National Maternity Action Plan).
Perhaps when media such as the SMH, eventually equitably examines this world best practice primary health option, readers (and politicians) will see that universal access to midwives for healthy Australian families can ease much of the pain of early family life and the present strains on Medicare in maternity service areas
Yours sincerely
Denise Hynd. 

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