I would like to introduce you all to the new Mothers Direct website.  Although I have no financial interest in the business, I have a huge emotional one, as I am a Director (in an unpaid, volunteer capacity) of Mothers Direct www.mothersdirect.com.au
is the online store of the Australian Breastfeeding Association.  We also have 2 actual shops - in Melbourne and Sydney.
Our website has been completely remodelled, and we are proud of the excellent choice of products that support breastfeeding and parenting.  There's great information, resources, clothing, slings and baby carriers, childrens books etc.  All ABA or LRC subscribers get a 10% discount on all products and when you join the Australian Breastfeeding Association you get a free copy of our popular book "Breastfeeding Naturally"  Check it all out at www.mothersdirect.com.au
Thanks to Andrea for allowing me to bring this to your attention on ozmidwifery.
Barb Glare
Mum of Zac, 12, Daniel, 10, Cassie 7 & Guan 3
Counsellor, Warrnambool Vic
Ph (03) 5565 8602
Director, Australian Breastfeeding Association
Mothers Direct

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