Hello and I hope this message finds you well and content... 
I am delighted to let you know that the MM Website is now available!  www.motherhoodmysteries.com.au has details of the moving and inspiring 'Motherhood Celebration Ceremony' - and the next one is on Sunday July 27 in Bondi.   Read what other mums have said about the Ceremony on the website under 'Participants Feedback' and let me know if you are interested in registering - as a special introductory offer, the delicious banquet lunch is included in the price!
The 'Mothers Community Circle' program starts on Thu 31 July in Bondi (six Thursdays over 6 months) and is an opportunity to get together with other mothers and explore the 'soul-ful' issues of being a mother. We will speak & listen in a women's circle, use creative visualisation & writing, share lunch and work on some art/craft pieces for ourselves. It usually involves lots of laughs, sometimes some tears, sharing delicious food, and relaxing with wonderful women - what could be better??  More details and an outline of topics is covered on the Website under 'Workshops'.  Come along and bring a good friend to share with...
Can I also let you know about  the 'Being A Mother' workshops being held in Sydney next week on Fri 20 and Sat 21June.  Betty Chetcuti is a psychologist who has run these workshops in Melbourne and is now offering them in Sydney. Cost is $325 for the day and more details are available on www.beingamother.com.
Wishing you peaceful parenting...
Maree Lipschitz   
Motherhood Mysteries 11 Oakley Road Bondi NSW 2026
Ph/Fx: (02)9130 7283  Mob: 0417 428 007    Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Web: www.motherhoodmysteries.com.au
'Supprting mothers to nurture themselves - passionately, powerfully and playfully'



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