Dear Denise and Robyn

I'm not sure what you are saddened about when ASIM, HBA, ACMI already come
under the umbrella of Maternity Coalition and support the concept of the
midwife choice for every Australian woman totally. In fact ASIM was involved
in the writing and endorsement of the Maternity Coalition's National
Maternity Action Plan!

Small groups have to exist to meet their own special needs. You can't expect
the larger organisation to spend much of it's time on the needs of 0.1% when
it it trying to reform ALL the maternity services in the country.

ASIM and HBA's major focus is on the needs of the Australian homebirthing
community and would be foolish to become incorporated into the structure of
the larger group within which their voice would be miniscule. ASIM and HBA
have greater clout and influence by channeling all their energy and research
into lobbying the large orgnisations and Government bodies independently
with the backing of the larger group.

Jan Robison

 Jan Robinson                             Phone/fax: 011+ 61+ 2+ 9546 4350
 Independent Midwife Practitioner         e-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 8 Robin Crescent                         www:
 South Hurstville  NSW  2221              National Coordinator, ASIM

On 27/11/02 10:14 PM, "Denise Hynd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear
> All I agree with Robyn
> I have always been sadened that there is ASIM and there is MIPP and ?other
> groups.
> The energy put into the diverse groups would along with the numbers be more
> effective in one group.
> Denise Hynd
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Robyn Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 11:10 PM
> Subject: RE: [Maternitycoalitonmidwives] meeting and questionnaire
>> I have no problem with name changes but I do think that we should not be
>> fragmenting midwives into many small groups.  It would be much more
>> advantageous if we united as one large group with ASIM or ACMI or
> Homebirth
>> Australia.  There are plans a foot as I understand to unite Homebirth
>> Australia and ASIM.  If it was unity with ACMI then I would renew my
>> membership.  The reality is we are too small a group to have much clout at
>> present.  Ideally it would be even better if all groups were one voice
> with
>> Maternity Coalition.  Our strength comes from the unity of women and
>> midwives together.
>> Michelle really great to catch up for the short time today.  I have a
> woman
>> overdue in Moe so I cannot commit to the meeting on the 7th but I am happy
>> to talk by email or on the chat line.
>> regards,   Robyn
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: michelle carrucan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 11:18 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Maternitycoalitonmidwives] meeting and questionnaire
>> Dear Joy,
>> I am planning on going to the next MIPP meeting.
>> Re your comments about a name change: if you think that changing our name
> is
>> politically astute, then I am prepared to support the motion. At this
> stage,
>> I don't want to get caught up in protracted arguments when there is so
> much
>> at stake, so I am happy to be guided by you and also to have key stake
>> holders make decisions. Afeter all, we don't have to have consensus on
> every
>> point but what we do need is to remind ourselves of our united vision of
>> woman-friendly, baby-friendly, midwife-friendly  maternity services in
>> australia ASAP.
>> Additionally, a name change looks like a way of inviting midwives to join
>> the group who are not deriving income from privvate practice. Am I right
> in
>> saying this? I think that any way of getting like minded midwives to join
>> forces can only increase our collective power. If MIPP members need to
> meet
>> ie for peer review, this could be done informally.
>> hope you are well and that Paul continues to make progress.
>> Regards
>> Michelle Carrucan
>>> From: "villagemidwife2002" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Subject: [Maternitycoalitonmidwives] meeting and questionnaire
>>> Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 09:09:30 -0000
>>> Dear friends
>>> Who is planning to go to the meeting that has been booked for Sat 7
>>> December?
>>> Those of you who aren't able to come to meetings, do you want to put
>>> any proposals to this group?
>>> One proposal that I would like you all to think about and comment on
>>> is that we change our name to Maternity Coalition Midwives.  The
>>> reason for this proposed change is to do with the future (?when)
>>> requirement for PI insurance.
>>> Those who think I am being a pessimist in this, please understand
>>> that I would not have said anything if I hadn't thought it
>>> essential. Last Thursday, at a working group set up by the Nurses
>>> Board to advise on PI insurance, Ella Lowe (who is deputy president,
>>> and is chairing that group) reiterated that the HEalth Minister is
>>> absolutely clear that it is unprofessional and quite reckless for
>>> any health professional to offer services to the public that are not
>>> covered by insurance.  If anyone doubts that, please contact the
>>> Board and speak to Margaret Bennett (Chair), Ella Lowe, or Marilyn
>>> Sneddon (Acting CEO)  I can give you copies of letters that support
>>> what I am saying.
>>> Linked to the proposal for a name change, I would like to suggest
>>> that we invite other midwives to join. We can now communicate by
>>> email, and that wasn't possible when MIPP was set up. This should
>>> not compete with ASIM, to which many of us belong. I would be
>>> interested to know how others feel about this. We also need to
>>> decide what we do about meetings in the future. No dates have been
>>> set for 2003, so anyone who has an opinion please speak up.
>>> Birth Matters is going out in the coming week.  I will be including
>>> a survey form, to get information about birth support and midwifery
>>> groups.  I have filled out the questionnaire for MIPP.  If anyone
>>> has a chance to look at it, and suggest any changes, I would be most
>>> appreciative.  It is attached as a file on this Yahoo site.
>>> I hope you are all well and strong.
>>> Joy Johnston
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