Dear All
Please calm
I spoke with GNT exectuive producer here in Perth this morning and GNT is to be replaced by 4 programs along similar lines from different parts of Australia.

In fact I have asked one of our midwives to talk with him about another idea for a segment early next year!!
So this grey cloud may have a silver lining
Denise Hynd
"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world.  For, indeed, they are the only ones who ever have." 
Margaret Mead
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 2:44 PM
Subject: [Maternitycoalitonmidwives] Axing George Negus

Maybe others would like to write to the ABC and complain about axing the George Negus Show.  My letter attached.  I went through the complaints link below.


If you have a serious complaint about program standards, bias, inaccuracy, or a breach of the ABC Code of Practice please visit the complaints page.



Robyn Thompson


Melbourne Midwifery Pty Ltd

Midwife Practitioner



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