Hi Nicole,
I would just like to reply regarding your comments on the 'true informed consent'.  As with most contentious issues regarding the pregnancy/ childbirth arena,  within the many different health care providers and institutions around, there are those that are great,  good, not so good and of course those that are ghastly.
My experience with the Hep B consent form that is used in two hospitals (this also highlights the differences just within a single hospital as well), one of them where I was working in a role of student midwife, certainly handled it very well, providing all the information they had regarding it on both the pro and con sides, and although I never looked at the actual figures I would guestimate that about 30% chose not to sign the form and therefore not allow their infant to receive the immunisation.
Also in a hospital where I was attending births in the role of a support person, with the many different midwifes that I encountered, only ONE of them actually took the time to sit down with the mother and at the end offered to also sit with Dad if she wanted it to be explained again, and went more into it than I had ever heard before.  The other midwifes I encountered glossed over both the pros and cons, leaving the mother feeling inadequately informed. 
Sorry to add a side not here (Marking legal issues assignments at the moment. I  think a point needs clearing up when using the word informed consent etc.  In Australia,  'informed consent'  is NOT a legal term or requirement.  In the case of consent, the requirement is that 'adequate information specific to procedure' is provided for consent to be given. I think the true term we need to use is  'Informed choice' when discussing consent issues.  (I certainly think that the 'adequate' information legally required is certainly a little black hole 'they' use)
Yours in Childbirth
Nicole Carver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Marilyn and Andrea,
Thanks for clarifying that point for me, it makes more sense now! I have to
say though I am concerned by our government's willingness to throw these
interventions around. Similar to the birth dose of Hep B, I really don't
think there is true informed consent. I have had some clients go and have
their partner's blood group and Hep B status checked, rather than administer
something that may have some risk attached which may not necessarily be
beneficial in their situation.

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