Title: Want to Support the MC NSW Election Campaign
Hello All

Maternity Coalition has been lobbying the NSW Government for some time to implement community midwifery across NSW.  An implementation document was developed to stand beside NMAP.  It was presented to the NSW M&P Committee in November and has received initial support.

As many would realise we need to use the election campaign to our advantage.

There are so many women out their that want greater choice and we need to show the NSW Government this! (NSW Election is March 22)

Please for those in NSW, either write to or request a meeting with your local politician, take a copy of “Implementing Community Midwifery in NSW” and inform them that you support the Maternity Coalitions campaign in NSW (if you are a member of MC tell them this as well) and that you want your concerns raised with the Health Minister.  For letter writers please send copies to

Craig Knowles - NSW Health Minister
Level 33 Governor Macquarie Tower
Farrer Place
Gillian Skinner, Shadow Health Minister
NSW Parliament house
Macquarie St
SYDNEY  NSW 2000.  

The document has been kindly uploaded onto the Birth International site, Thanks Andrea! (Until MC gets it’s website support worked out), here’s the link


The more pollies hear about midwifery care the harder it is to ignore!

Please help us capitalise on the nearly 18 months of lobbying!!

Many Thanks

In Solidarity

Justine Caines

Justine Caines
NSW President  Maternity Coalition
PO Box 105
Ph: (02) 65482248
Mob: 0408 210273

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