Hi all,

thought I'd urge all listers to read the Final Review of the NSW Nurses Act 1991.

The Final report of the actual Review of
the NSW Nurses Act (1991) can be found at:


This final report has monumentous implications for midwifery in
Australia....as it contains recommendations, that if 'enacted' in
legislation, will enshrine in law, that midwifery and nursing are in fact
distinct and separate professions....complimentary...but each unique in its
respective scope of practice, body of knowledge and skills. This is
AMAZING...and will eventually I believe flow on to all other States and

The report identifies that the Act as it stands doesn't
fulfil its duty of care to 'protect the public' by subsuming midwifery into
nursing.......the report highlights the problems associated with continuing
with the 'status quo' hence the recommendations to create two registers, one
for nurses, and one for midwives. This the authors believe can only hope to
ensure that maternity services consumers are protected by ensuring that are
receiving care from an appropriately qualified professional - a MIDWIFE !!

My sincerest congratulations to all who worked hard on submissions to the review.
Congratulations everyone !!!!!!

Now ...on with the revolution !!!!!!

Yours in birth,

Tina Pettigrew
Bachelor of Midwifery Student and Independent CBE
Convenor, Aust B. Mid Student Collective.

" As we trust the flowers to open to new life
               - So we can trust birth"

Harriette Hartigan.

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