produced by Media Monitors ACT Pty Ltd
distributed by Health Communication Network Limited
Issue No. 1031 - Thursday, September 02, 1999


Natasha Bita and p2    Anti-drug  passport  for  Olympics.  A   new   drug
Chip Le Grand          passport  may  be  introduced for the  Sydney  2000
                       Olympics so athletes can prove they have been  drug
                       tested. (HM020900)

                 p6    Japan gets the Pill, but itÆs hard to swallow.  The
                       Japanese government has just approved the  sale  of
                       the  contraceptive pill for use by Japanese  women.

Glenda Price     p23   Health drags Mayne down. Falling margins have  seen
                       health  care  and logistics company Mayne  Nickless
                       record  a  16  per cent drop in annual  profits  to
                       $110.5 million. (HM020902)

Lou Caruana      p28   Heart  pumps  up  Micromedical. The  surging  share
                       price  of  Micromedical Industries is  all  due  to
                       great   interest  in  their  development   of   the
                       VentrAssist  artificial  heart,  according  to  the
                       company. (HM020903)

Sean Aylmer      p4    Manufacturing    set   back   by   Asian    crisis.
                       Construction,  health and community  services  have
                       been  the main casualties as Australia emerges from
                       the Asian economic crisis. (HM020904)

Andrew Hornery   p4    Mag Max to fold in battle for the male market. Two-
                       year  old politically incorrect menÆs magazine  Max
                       closed   yesterday   after   enduring   months   of
                       aggressive   competition   and   poor   advertising
                       support. (HM020905)

Judith Whelan    p7    House  call:  a rare form of medical treatment.   A
                       survey  by  Australian Doctor  magazine  has  found
                       half  of  AustraliaÆs GPs regretted their  decision
                       to go into general practice. (HM020906)

Adele Horin      p7    Money  spent on services drive the dollar  further.
                       New  research shows money spent on public  services
                       generated more jobs and income in the economy  than
                       money spent on other industries. (HM020907)

Gabrielle Costa  pA1   Roadside  drug  test  for drivers.   New  Victorian
                       road  safety measures will see suspected drug users
                       tested  on  the  roadside and repeat drink  drivers
                       forced  to  have engine immobilisers  installed  in
                       their cars. (HM020908)

Sandra McKay     pA6   ALPÆs  plan  to  re-open  290  beds.  The  ALP  has
                       promised  to end the ædecayÆ in VicÆs hospitals  as
                       they  released  their health care  policy  for  the
                       upcoming State election. (HM020909)

Paul Heinrichs   pA6   Elderly  left  to  fill in the  policy  blanks.   A
                       forum   held  yesterday  was  aimed  at   outlining
                       details of VicÆs major party policies on the  aged.

Sandra McKay     pA6   Puffed-up   Premier  stars  in  Labor   ads.    The
                       Victorian ALP has started advertising in the  lead-
                       up  to  the  Vic State Election using  unflattering
                       images of Premier Jeff Kennett. (HM020911)

Ben Mitchell     pA12  Community  power  to line up against  pylons  plan.
                       Residents  will  fight  proposals  to  install  300
                       electricity   pylons  throughout  some   of   South
                       GippslandÆs    most    attractive    coastal    and
                       agricultural land. (HM020912)

Catriona Jackson p3    Cancer  patients  appeal  for  steady  funding  for
                       hospital.    There  are  concerns   that   oncology
                       services at Canberra Hospital are to be cut  by  up
                       to 20 per cent. (HM020913)

Catriona Jackson p3    ACT   Family   Planning   to   challenge   abortion
                       pamphlet.    The  ACT  GovernmentÆs  inclusion   of
                       foetal pictures in an abortion pamphlet my lead  to
                       legal  action  being taken by ACT Family  Planning.

Vittorio         p1    Toy  laser  blinds studentÆs eye.  A  laser-pointer
Rechichi and Gay       shined   in  a  WA  studentÆs  eye  has  left   him
McNamara               virtually  blind after the beam from  the  pen-like
                       laser burnt his retina. (HM020915)

David Reed       p5    Herbal potion linked to death.  The death of  a  WA
                       waitress has been linked to the herbal drink,  Race
                       2005  Energy  Boost, after a coronial inquiry  into
                       her  death was told she had a heart condition  that
                       was    exacerbated   by   high   caffeine   levels.

Karen Middleton  p8    Williams  joins  yes camp.  Attorney-General  Daryl
                       Williams  has  joined  several  prominent   Federal
                       Government  ministers and will support a  yes  vote
                       for the November republic referendum. (HM020917)

Mark Mallabone   p11   MP  sees  value  in nuclear dump.  Federal  Liberal
and Anne Burns         Party  MP  Barry Haase has appealed to  Australians
                       to  consider  developing a nuclear waste  dump  and
                       asked  them  to keep an open mind about the  issue.

Ben Ruse         p40   New  home for child research.  The WA Institute for
                       Child Health Research will relocate next year  into
                       a  $14  million complex opposite Princess  Margaret
                       Hospital in Subiaco. (HM020919)

Jeff Sommerfeld  p3    Life  in state of pessimism.   The Quality of  Life
                       in  Australia  survey has found  Queenslanders  are
                       more  pessimistic about the future than  people  in
                       any other State in Australia. (HM020920)

Tanya Taylor     p9    Vaccine  hope against asthma.  It is  hoped  a  new
                       vaccine,  E-25,  may eliminate asthma  by  blocking
                       the   IGE   antibodies  that  trigger  an   attack.

Tanya Taylor     p27   Heart  hopes  raised.  A study has found  that  ACE
                       inhibitors  have  reduced  the  number   of   heart
                       attack,  stroke and diabetes cases in patients  who
                       had already suffered the afflictions. (HM020922)

Tanya Taylor     p31   Malaria  drug proves effective. A new anti-malarial
                       drug  is offering hope of increased protection  for
                       overseas travellers. (HM020923)

Frances OÆShea   p21   How bogus doctor duped entire town.  A woman is  on
                       the  run  from  the law after she settled  in  Port
                       Macquarie  and  pretended  to  be  a  psychologist.
                       After  showing fake credentials the  woman  ran  up
                       debts of $65,000. (HM020924)

Kara Lawrence    p23   Drowning  in a pool of lost young lives.   NSW  has
                       started a campaign to try and decrease its rate  of
                       child  drownings  after  it  recorded  double   the
                       number of any other State. (HM020925)


Federal Health and     New  Medibank  Private managing director.   Federal
Aged Care Minister     Health  and  Aged Care Minister Michael  Wooldridge
Michael Wooldridge     has  announced the appointment of Mark Burrowes  as
1/9                    managing  director  of  Medibank  Private  Limited.

Federal Aged Care      Bishop   praises   Meals  on   Wheels   volunteers.
Minister Bronwyn       Federal Aged Care Minister Bronwyn Bishop has  paid
Bishop 1/9             tribute  to Meals on Wheels volunteers on  National
                       Meals on Wheels Day. (HM020927)

Federal Shadow Health  Howard  ducks  questions  on  Victorian  hospitals.
Minister Jenny         Federal  Shadow Health Minister Jenny  Macklin  has
Macklin 1/9            claimed  that  the Prime Minister has  æwashed  his
                       handsÆ  of  the  crisis in the  Victorian  hospital
                       system. (HM020928)

Federal Aged Care      Labor  gets it wrong on aged care - again.  Federal
Minister Bronwyn       Aged  Care  Minister  Bronwyn Bishop  has  rejected
Bishop 1/9             Opposition  criticisms about the lack of monitoring
                       powers   the   Federal  Government  has   regarding
                       nursing homes. (HM020929)

Federal Aged Care      LaborÆs  aged  care  graph exposed.   Federal  Aged
Minister Bronwyn       Care  Minister  Bronwyn Bishop  says  the  Auditor-
Bishop 1/9             General  has shown that a large fall in the  number
                       of  residential aged care services occurred in  the
                       last 10 years of the ALP Government. (HM020930)


1/9    2CC   0700      AustraliaÆs  drug trends.  Alcohol and Other  Drugs
                       Council spokesperson David Crosby discusses  trends
                       relating  to  the  number  of  young  women   using
                       marijuana, alcohol and other illicit drugs and  the
                       media  attention  given  to heroin,  following  the
                       release   of   the  results  of  AustraliaÆs   most
                       comprehensive  survey  of legal  and  illegal  drug
                       use. (Dur:07:00) (HM020931)

1/9    2NB   0830      Staff to go under fringe tax.  Health Care
                       Association national director Mark Cormack claims
                       the State and Federal GovernmentÆs proposed
                       changes to the fringe benefits tax will result in
                       medical people unable to claim in excess of $8,500
                       in real fringe benefits, which practitioners have
                       been using to attract medical staff.  (Dur: 06:00)


2/9    Australian        Long time coming through smokescreen       p6
2/9    Australian        Bear a rabies risk                         p8
2/9    Australian        BresaGen floats                            p24
2/9    Financial         Mayne seeks remedy for its ills            p23
2/9    Financial         Chanticleer                                p64
2/9    Sydney Morning    Prognosis poor as Mayne slumps 16pc        p29
2/9    The Age           Rich in rhetoric but so responsible        pA6
2/9    The Age           The rights of the ill and dying            pA18
2/9    The Age           Birth, hard labor and your doctorÆs        pA19
2/9    The Age           Mayne Nickless is paying the price of      pC3
                         unhealthy haste
2/9    Courier Mail      At last, JapanÆs women get Pill            p5
2/9    Courier Mail      Intensive care                             p17
2/9    Courier Mail      ChildrenÆs Commission needs teeth          p18
2/9    Courier Mail      Briefs                                     p18
2/9    Courier Mail      A blow to menÆs esteem                     p19
2/9    Courier Mail      Mayne Nickless down 22% despite sales      p29
2/9    West Australian   Mayne profit slump reflects growing pains  p45
2/9    Canberra Times    `New youth alcohol law under fire          p4
2/9    Canberra Times    Warning to US zoo visitors                 p5
2/9    Daily Telegraph   Aussies in rabies alert                    p15
2/9    Daily Telegraph   Hearty drinking news                       p26
2/9    Herald Sun        Patient needed patience                    p12
2/9    Herald Sun        Labor vow on hospital beds                 p12
2/9    Herald Sun        Candles banned                             p29
2/9    Herald Sun        Mayne health scare                         p71
2/9    Advertiser        Letter to the Editor                       p16
2/9    Advertiser        Ovary removal may reduce cancer risk       p37
2/9    Advertiser        Drinkers cut heart danger                  p37
2/9    Advertiser        Main game falters 22pc on poor health      p39
31/8   Illawarra         Shoalhaven need health boost: Smith        p11
28/8   Border Mail       Cost cutting for better value              p5
28/8   Border Mail       MP æunrealistic on hospital cutsÆ          p18
28/8   Border Mail       Medical services combine for funds         p23

      HEALTHMonitor is produced by Josh Whittington

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