I have been working in a number of different hospitals (both public & private) and have started coming across some interesting if not worrying trends in the clinical pathways used.  At some of the hospitals they use a clinical pathway in 1st, 2nd & 3rd stage of labour (which doesn't create problems for me).  What I am finding alarming is that some midwives are recording painful contractions in labour as a variance!!!  Aren't painful contractions in labour a given fact????
Also, I find the question (which every hospital has written in one form or another) "Is the mother satisfied with amounts of sleep & rest obtained" quite funny because generally speaking I have never come across a mother (especially in the early days) satisfied with amts. of sleep & rest (unless maybe if the baby is sent to the nursery to be artificially fed by staff overnight).
Just my whinge for the day.  Thanks for listening.
Tina H.

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