To the Victorian oz'ers and anyone else interested...
I have just been watching Sunrise on Channel 7 - produced in Melbourne.  It had a report on the fact insurance has gone through the roof in QLD.  Because coconuts can fall from the palms and injure people  who then sue the local councils, all the palms are being ripped out in public places to prevent litigation - effectively changing the landscape of tropical Qld.  One rafting company's insurance has gone from about $16,000 to $77,000 per year and many tourist type places/small businesses etc are going out of business due to the insurance (surprise, surprise)  Is it worth contacting Sunrise and expressing the views on the fact that many MIPPs are 'going out of business' and not practising due to the insurance issue. The rep from the insurance council said it was a lawyers picnic at present and he believed Govts and community should rally to decide what can be done about the huge increase in litigation before it becomes like America.  Is there an angle here to get more publicity for the plight of MWs and the birthchoices for women??? Their address is sunrise

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