Dear List,

To mark the Sept 11 National Caesarian Awareness Day the ACT Maternity
Coalition is running an information night on Ceasarian Birth.  We are
planning a range of speakers to relate their experiences of Ceasarian and
VBAC birth, as well as midwives and a birth educator to discuss the issues
and respond to questions.

The current edition of birth International advertises a vidoe titled

     'I was in Stiches'.

It is an Australian video discussing Ceasarian and the expreiences of a
number of couples. 

Has anyone seen this video?  We are wanting advice on whether it would be a
good choice for the information night.  As a small non-profit community
organisation we have limited resources to buy a video that might not be
appropriate for use at the information night.

Comments ASAP apprciated...

regards Barb. 

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