small booklet which fits neatly
into a business envelope
ABA counsellor
- Original Message -
From: "Ms Elizabeth McCall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2002 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: breastfeeding con
Hi Liz,
It's on the ABA Key Breastfeeding Resources price list that was included in
the last LRC mailout. It's definitely called the Breastfeeding Confidence
booklet. I'm sure if you contacted the ABA (ph:03 9885 0855) they would send
a list out to you.
Best wishes,
I have checked the ABA catalogue & I am unsure which of the leaflets you are
referring to as there are none actually titled breastfeeding confidence
booklet. Could you please clarify. Cheers
Liz McCall
- Original Message -
From: "Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "
I would like to recommend (unsolicited) this new booklet that has been developed by
the Aust Breastfeeding Association (NMAA)
It is nicely presented, and written to the woman in a way that would be very likely to
build 'breastfeeding confidence'.
It is available in bulk at .44 cents per copy.