How about a discussion about what advice Midwives offer post dates women.
This has recently been an issue for me one woman said fine I'll know if my baby is ok, but another said I want tests to show me my baby is well .
 Obviously there is no 1 answer but research suggests that post term induction can prevent stillbirth.[for every 500 inductions 1 baby will be saved however the problems with inductions etc as we all know are emormous .
So is it a kick chart ,serial GTGS ,ctg combined with AFI and arterial blood flow, an u/s or wait and see?
For me in pardon me this "climate " I think the best advice is to get  really good dates every bit of information incl if nec an early scan .
But this can backfire too!
For instance I have a client who on  dates and conception is due say on the 19th of the month then the family decides to have a scan [11 weeks] for other reasons. I recommeed a good practitioner and the dates are not confirmed but are 19 days is the baby due the 1st or 19th ?  How do u agree on a date ?
Iwould love to have a good chat about these issues. 
----- Original Message -----
From: Monica
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 8:30 PM
Subject: Re: monitoring at 41+ weeks

Recent research (which I can't lay my hands on at the moment but could when I go back to work if you like) suggests that intrauterine death from placental insufficiency/ degradation (post dates) is unlikely withinn 48 hrs of a reactive, variable ctg.  Your niece's advice represents most recent thought, provided the staff available are able to interpret the ctg effectively.
-------Original Message-------
Date: Monday, 13 May 2002 11:37:26 AM
Subject: monitoring at 41+ weeks
Dear all,  My neice is giving birth to her first baby at a fairly small country hospital and is now 10 days past her due date by dates and early scan.  She has been advised to travel 11/2 hours each way every two days for ctg monitoring if she elects not to be induced by syntocinon drip.  Prostaglandins is not an option at this country hospital. An ultrasound is available one day per week.  Her baby is moving well and she does not feel impatient to have her baby and feels well. I feel that the added stress of the travel for monitoring does not justify its limited information. What are your interpretations on the research available?  Thanks Penelope Gibson
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