This month we have two speakers, with Jordan Knight talking about MVVM, and
Troy Wilson talking about Incite's advanced implementation using the
PivotViewer control.

*When:* Monday March 21st, 2011, 6:00 pm to start 6:30 pm

*Where:* City Hotel
347 Kent Street (Corner of King Street). Second floor at the Kent Street
Living Room.

*Cost:* Free, but please RSVP on our Facebook

*Jordan's Abstract:*

In this session Jordan starts with a brief overview of the MVVM pattern
before delving into the depths of a real world implementation. See how to
get the most out of Silverlight as Jordan demonstrates a very effective
implementation of MVVM that culminates in an intuitive and powerful display
and navigation framework that works not only in Silverlight, but also WPF
(incl. Surface) and the Windows 7 Phone!

*Jordan's Bio:*

Hi, my name is Jordan (@jakkaj) and I’m the Solution Architect at a company
I run with my brother Alex (@agkdesign) called
 I've presented at big conferences here and overseas and just love
Silverlight. I, like my brother, am a Silverlight MVP.  I come from Bendigo,
VIC, Australia, and now live in Sydney.

*Troy's Abstract:*

I'll be talking about how we integrated Pivot Viewer using dynamic
collections, DeepZoom, using MEF, MVVM.

*Troy's Bio:*

I'm a father of 2 (geeks in training), I love my tech, and all things full
of awesome.I've been working for Incite for 18 months, I'm currently the
team lead for the silverlight viewer, aka "Team Viewer".
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