Complex region selection

2012-03-21 Thread Greg Keogh
Folks, coming soon in our app is the need for a "map region selector" where you click on states of America or European counties for example. I see the problem broken into a few pieces: * defining the complex regions and hoping that there are public sets of coordinates that define famous bounda

RE: Complex region selection

2012-03-21 Thread Carl . Scarlett
I remember way back in SQL Server 2008 they introduced geospacial data and queries that may make this sort of stuff easy. There were a few demos floating around on how to interact with this sort of data, which I'm sure you could google up without much effort. Unfortunately I haven't had the joy o

Re: Complex region selection

2012-03-21 Thread Chris Anderson
How about templating a listbox, as demonstrated here: That solution is for WPF, but you could try porting it to Silverlight, and would solve your US needs out of the box. Chris On 22 March 2012 12:28, Greg Keogh wrote: > Folks, c

Unit tests

2012-03-21 Thread Stephen Price
Hey all, I've got a Silverlight unit test that I'm using as a smoke test to load all of my views. Unfortunately if it hits one with an exception, the test ends. I've got a loop that goes through each view and I'd like it to just log the failure and continue with the next view. Despite putting a t

RE: Complex region selection

2012-03-21 Thread Greg Keogh
Carl, unfortunately there is no chance of using SQL Server in this app. I have a fat book chapter here on spatial data that I'd like to try out, but this isn't a chance. I'm still web searching for some kind of control or library which m

RE: Complex region selection

2012-03-21 Thread Greg Keogh
Chris, that's a really weird sample, putting it in a ListBox, I mean he could have put it all in a Canvas to be more realistic. However there are some interesting clues inside. He has the XML state coordinates, so they (and other stuff) must be publicly available somewhere (I'm still looking) -- Gr

unit tests and exception

2012-03-21 Thread Stephen Price
Cross posting this, I'm on too many lists. Hope that doesn't offend... I've got a unit test that is throwing an exception. (Finally got it hitting my catch block) Its a smoke test so has a loop in it for every view. I want it to NOT fail the test if an exception is hit. I want it to output to debu

Re: Complex region selection

2012-03-21 Thread Chris Anderson
Well, it's mainly used to demonstrate how much you can customise the ListBox control using a control template, but you've also got the advantage of each state being "selectable" using the functionality already provided by the ListBox control. I think it's quite a neat way to go about the problem.

Re: Complex region selection

2012-03-21 Thread Richard Mason
For the state boundaries GeoCommons is your friend: For the UI you probably want to start with an existing mapping control like DeepEarth ( or the bing maps control. They'll give you lots of stuff for free including all the zooming