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From: Furtherfield <i...@furtherfield.org>
Date: Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 2:05 PM
Subject: State Machines - a new European collaboration
To: michelsub2...@gmail.com

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[image: State Machines Logo]

[image: Privacy Gift Shop by Adam Harvey]
Announcing State Machines - a new European collaboration

At this critical juncture for debates on nationalism, freedom of movement,
borders and law, we are delighted to announce a new EU Culture Fund
Cooperation project: *State Machines - Art, Work, and Identity in an Age of
Planetary-Scale Computation*.

Five partner organisations - *Aksioma*
(SI), *Drugo more*
(HR), *Furtherfield* <http://../Newsletters/furtherfield.org> (UK) *Institute
of Network Cultures*
(NL) and *NeMe*
(CY) - will lead an ambitious and far-reaching programme that investigates
the new relationships between states, citizens and the stateless made
possible by emerging technologies.

Over the next two years the programme will empower the digital subjects of
today to become active, engaged and effective digital citizens of tomorrow.
Activities include: *workshops* on blockchain technology; *research* into
new cognitive models and forms of citizenship; *conferences* on democratic
participation and networked cultural production; *art exhibitions*; new
*commissions*; and *publications* building new kinds of literacy for
digital understanding and participation.

Today, we live in a world where every time we turn on our smartphones, we
are inextricably tied by data, laws and flowing bytes across national
borders, in which every personal expression is framed and mediated by
digital platforms, and where new kinds of currencies, financial exchange
and even labour bypass corporations and governments. At the same time, the
same technologies increase governmental powers of surveillance, allow
corporations to extract ever more complex working arrangements and do
little to slow the construction of actual walls along actual borders. *What
tools do we need to understand this world, and how can art assist in
envisioning and enacting other possible futures?*

We hope that you will join us on our adventure. To keep updated and join
State Machines activities you can:

   - Join the email newsletter
   - #statemachines on Twitter
   and Facebook
   - Visit www.statemachines.eu
   to find out more about the project


This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the
information contained therein.

McKenzie Pavilion
Finsbury Park
London, N4 2NQ

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