---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Sally De Kunst <sally_de_ku...@hotmail.com>
Date: Sat, Jun 1, 2019 at 3:30 PM
Subject: THIS BOOK IS YOURS - support us to make a book about artistic
To: Sally De Kunst <sally_de_ku...@hotmail.com>

Dear friends and colleagues,

*We need your support for the book we are currently preparing! *

As you all might know, Arc artist residency had to close its doors in
December 2018. After this news we decided we wanted to shed a light on the
artistic research and the collaborations that took place at Arc, by
publishing a book.

*’THIS BOOK IS YOURS – Recipes for artistic collaboration’* will cover four
years in the life of Arc, from January 2015 till December 2018.

Each chapter of the book starts with a recipe for a meal that was prepared
at Arc on a certain occasion, because the easiest and most fundamental way
of gathering people, exchanging and collaborating is by cooking and eating

The 19 chapters will furthermore contain other «recipes» for artistic
research and collaboration: texts, instructions, scores, drawings, essays,
diaries and more, contributed by artists and other practitioners from
various fields who were involved in Arc.

*In order to be able to finance this publication, we need your support.  *

We started a *crowdfunding to find 7.000.- CHF* and every little bit will
help. You can pre-order the book, but also buy a postcard or a glossary, or
invest in a drawing or a diner.

*You can find all the info to pledge here:*


A big thank you in advance for your support and for forwarding this message
to your friends!

Sally, Julien, Alberto, Valentine, Gosie & Julien

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

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Show some love and help us maintain and update our knowledge commons by making 
a donation. Thank you for your support.


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